Roga Nidan evam Vikriti Vigyan deals with the factors which are essential to understand disease process as well as the diagnosis of disease. It also deals with aetio-pathological and clinic-pathological studies of the disease. The normal state of mind and body is called prakriti and the abnormal state of the mind and body is termed as Vikriti. Nidan Panchak is the base of diagnosis of disease.
Roga Nidana evam Vikriti Vigyan department of our college is well established Practical laboratory having all required instruments, equipments & regents along with charts and models for proper demonstration of students. In order to full fill this purpose (Nidana), we adopt Ayurvedic procedures like Trividh, Ashtavidha, Dashavidha Pariksha & Tailbindumutra Pariksha etc.